Rabbi John Linder
Jewish tradition understands that tzedakah, giving of our financial resources, is essential. Yet, the rabbis remind us that there is no greater form of giving than our acts of kindness. The Talmud teaches that acting with kindness is fundamental to our identity as Jews. Only when a Jew acts with kindness is he or she acting as a Jew is expected. The rabbis go so far as to say that, so basic a value is kindness that we should question the religious identity of a person who claims to be Jewish but who acts unkindly. “Anyone” the Talmud tells us, “who is not compassionate with people is certainly not a descendent of our forefather Abraham.” Given that there are three Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Christianity and Islam, acting with kindness and compassion is a great litmus test for all of us to judge the heart of our religious identity. My guess is there is room for a kindness tune-up for us all.
Rabbi John Linder
Rabbi Debbie Stiel
Welcome to Solel! We are so glad you are here or considering joining us. We believe that in each of us is a holy spark which is unique and special. We want the temple to be a place where each person’s spark is enriched, affirmed and encouraged. To do this we nurture and provide safe and sacred communal spaces, inspiring prayer services, and opportunities to improve ourselves and our world.
I think you will find, as I have, that Solel is a congregation built on fond relationships. Yet this warm family is always open to newcomers. This is a congregation which challenges all of us to be our best and to do our best, and in this way to be partners with God.
We hope you will find your spirit nourished here and discover many outlets for your passions. Whether you love knitting, hiking, singing Jewish music, learning Jewish texts, watching movies, schmoozing with the rabbis, talking with other parents who have children the same age as yours, helping those who are facing financial hardships, or working for social justice, you can find your niche here.
I look forward to meeting you. I am here if I can be of help to you. Together may we be strengthened on our holy path through life.
Rabbi Debbie Stiel

Cantorial Soloist
Todd Herzog
The music at Temple Solel is always intended to inspire and elevate everyone who hears it. Whether it is a Friday night service, a choir service, a High Holy Day service, a Tot Shabbat or one of our special full-band Shabbat Shira services, the music is always an integral part of the prayer experience. Even if you don’t understand a word of Hebrew, it is my intention that you will feel something at each service that moves you and makes you feel part of a larger community. For me, the best part of the music at Solel is hearing the whole community singing as one, uplifting and changing the physical vibration of the room… connecting us to one another and to God.
In song,
Todd Herzog