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8th-12th Grade


Find the right road to connect with other teens

  • Opportunities for hanging out and meeting friends
  • Chances to give back to Solel and the larger Jewish community
  • Programs that are designed for you

Madrichim Program

8th-12th Grade
Madrichim work in their assigned location as assistants. They meet 5 times throughout the year for specific training. To be a Madrich(a) you need to be enrolled in Raker Religious School. They will be given a quarterly honorarium.

8th and 9th Grade
The goal of the Comparative Religions/Jewish practices around the world curriculum is to help students develop a better understanding of other religions in the world, including the different practices within Judaism.  It is done through interactive exercises with the group involving texts from the religion being studied, articles, photographs, speakers, and visiting different sites of worship.

10th Grade – Confirmation
In Confirmation Class, students will have the chance to think deeply about their
Jewish identities. Through learning about the topics of God, Torah, and Israel in a
discussion-based, interactive classroom setting, students will engage with Judaism
on a mature and meaningful level. These discussions about Jewish values and
identity will also be impacted by the class trip to New York City. Through this
immersive experience, our students will explore social justice issues, learn about
the history and challenges of Jews in the early United States, attend a Broadway
play, and experience Shabbat in a New York synagogue.

11th and 12th Grade  Teen Leadership Council
This class is another opportunity for students to meet with our rabbis. We discuss a
broad range of topics over the year. At the same time, this class is centered around
learning to be a leader and effect change. Our 11-12 th graders work together to pick a
social justice topic that is important to them. They study what Judaism has to say
about this topic. We bring in experts or those with first-hand experience of the issue
so that the students can gain in-depth knowledge. Our teens then work together with
rabbinic help to decide on a few actions to positively impact this issue.  This is a very
empowering, educational and impactful program.  The teens learn how to advocate
and create change, and they have the opportunity to do so. These students will also
be attending the 10-12 th grade NYC trip.

For more information on 8th-12th grade contact