Rabbi Debbie Stiel, Associate Rabbi
Debbie Stiel is Associate Rabbi of Temple Solel. Before joining Solel, she served
as Rabbi of Temple Beth Sholom in Topeka, Kansas for 14 years. Previously she
served congregations in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska, as well as Lawrence,
Kansas. She was president of the Midwest Association of Reform Rabbis for 2
years and has been active in many community organizations. She was a founding
member of the Topeka chapter of Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom and also of Be the
Bridge, a Topeka group created out of concern for local immigrants.
She is an alum of the Institute for Jewish Spirituality’s clergy program and considers
spirituality an important part of her rabbinate. In 2019 Rabbi Stiel received her
honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Hebrew Union College for serving in the
rabbinate for 25 years.
Rabbi Stiel grew up in Dallas, Texas and received her bachelor’s degree from Rice
University. She was ordained at Hebrew Union College in 1994. Debbie is
married to Steve Stiel who has a private therapy practice here in Phoenix. They
have two sons, Micah and Jonah, who are both in their 20s.